Monday, March 18, 2013

Anamika... Birds

An old post about birds in my garden. I wanted to identify them before posting, but I never got around to it. I guess I will enjoy the pictures without the names. Anyone know what these are called?

Holi Kab Hai?

I like the thought of Holi - It's a festival where you cant help smiling. Hard not to feel "springy" when covered by colors. 

Spring is here... and after an year of hiatus, the gardening bug has bitten again. Loved the planting, weeding, waiting for me seedlings. Feeling good about the garden. The kids are excited! So am I. Now how do I get rid of Aphids on my mint. The aphid farm is complete - In fact I noticed the ants before the aphids. Will pulling all the mint out work? Or will it spread out to others, like the Oregano next to it?